Dot is patiently waiting to show you (yes you!) our August exhibition "Interiors/Exteriors" by Amy Lyn Brand!
 The install begins!!
 Oh WOW!
 Let's hear from our artist! When I was offered the opportunity to show at S.DotGallery, I was excited about the possibilities of doing an entire house in miniature – both exterior and interior. After a year of sheltering in place, only coming out of
 These often elaborate and impressive masks serve the dual purpose of allowing us to meet the expectations of others while guarding ourselves. The figures on the house’s exterior wear elegant masks, attempting to hide their true animal natures.
 They are superimposed over architectural details borrowed from The First Presbyterian Church of Seneca Falls. This historical church is located at the birthplace of the Women’s Suffrage movement in the United States, where Elizabeth Cady Stanton lea
 Swooning over here!
 S.Dot Gallery presents "Interior/Exterior by Amy Lyn Brand”
 Seems the door might be blocked - but no worries!
 We have many modes of transportation at S.Dot, this month its by unicorn!
 The work inside the house represents our true selves and our attempt to find authenticity and balance. The mandala works came out of a series that I started when my daughter had cancer which I made as prayers or spells for healing.
 These drawings are based in part on the nature mandalas people construct out of natural objects that they find on a hike or a walk on the beach. I find and collect natural objects that call to me during my daily walk, then construct the drawings ove
 The walks and the act of drawing are meditative and healing. The mandalas themselves are prayers to the universe. The works incorporating women are aspirational depictions of goddess-like women who can expertly integrate their animal selves and spir
 Rebirth, Maple Seed   pen, colored pencil, watercolor, acrylic  $60
 Seedling and Shells   pen, graphite pencil, colored pencil, oil pastel, watercolor, acrylic   $60
 Nature in all its beautiful forms!
 Healing Mandala, Rebirth (Cicada, Wings, Mint, Snail Shells)   pen, watercolor, acrylic   $120
 We can picture our artist walking through the wood collecting things!
 Fallen Feather   pen   $60
 A warrior protecting.
 Goddess Unmasking   pen, sharpie, and acrylic on vellum, mounted to paper   $120
 Heading upstairs! WOW!
 Life Cycle Mandala   pen, colored pencil, and graphite pencil   $100
 Love the inspiration surrounding these pieces!
 Night Butterfly (Cecropia Moth) -   pen, watercolor, acrylic and vellum on paper   $80
 Sisters, Rebirth   pen, colored pencil, watercolor, acrylic and velum on paper  $80
 OOO! Lets head to the next room!
 Leaf and Petal   graphite pencil, watercolor, pen, and colored  pencil on paper  $100
 Summer Mandala   pen and colored pencil on paper   $100
 Last but certainly not least! LOVE!!!!
 Goddess Rebirth Mandala   pen, pencil, watercolor, acrylic   $110
 Healing Mandala, Walnut Heart   pen and graphite pencil on paper   $100
 Face of the Goddess (Jordann),   pen, sharpie, watercolor, acrylic   $110
 Thank you so much for exhibiting with us AL.Brand! We loved every second of this exhibition. xo
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